115 Lethbridge St, Penrith
(02) 4729 5100
Your doctor provides a comprehensive service includes the standard childhood immunisations, chicken pox, meningococcal vaccine, travel vaccinations and pneumococcal vaccinations. They offer immunisations Monday to Saturday during opening hours, where our experienced nurses are more than happy to talk through any concerns you may have. Immunisation forms a vital part of your doctor’s preventative care strategy. Importantly, our nursing staff are qualified to perform immunisations.
Immunising your child against childhood diseases is an essential part of your child’s health and wellbeing plan. Your doctor takes your concerns seriously and are happy to discuss your immunisation options with you. Your doctor offers an immunisation service for children from birth to four years of age, providing a friendly, positive and safe environment for your child to make the experience as pleasant as possible.
Immunisation is also important for adults. Booster doses may be required to maintain immunity from certain diseases (such as whooping cough) and new vaccines have been developed that were not previously available. Immunisations recommended for adults can relate to your age, Indigenous status, occupation, previous injury or illness, immunisation history, travel plans, if you are planning to start a family or just part of your health plan.
With up to 50% of overseas travellers suffering from travel related illnesses. Your doctor understands the importance of discussing the required and recommended immunisations with your doctor before you leave. Although not all illnesses are preventable by immunisation, your doctor highly recommend discussing what preventative measure options you should consider before you travel.
Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is caused by a virus. It typically spreads from person to person through the air by coughing, sneezing or talking, and by touching a person’s hands, surface or object. Please make an appointment with your doctor for your annual flu injection.
We also provide flu injection programs for your workplace. Please contact us for more information.
For more information please call (02) 4729 5100,
or click here to make an appointment online.
Immunise Australia
Australian Childhood Immunisation Register
Immunisation Calculator
Chain of Protection